💫 Is this the year you leave social media? [Free 5-Day Challenge]

💫 Is this the year you leave social media? [Free 5-Day Challenge]

Happy New Year, friends! Amelia here, dropping into your pod feed with three exciting announcements:

#1 — Season 3 of Off the Grid is launching next week! 🥳 Surprise! I’m coming back from break early and will be posting awesome weekly episodes through the end of June.
#2 — If you’re thinking 2024 might be the year you finally leave social media… I made you a 5-day challenge to plan your hiatus or exit! It’s free for everyone through the end of the month. Grab it at this link.
#3 — Speaking of leaving social media … tune in to this bonus mini-sode for help feeling into if now’s the time for you to delete the apps. Lend me 15 minutes, and I’ll offer you a dozen reasons you might want to log off for a while or for good.

I’ll be back next week to officially kick off our third season. See ya then!

👋  Thinking of leaving social media? You don't have to go it alone! Download our free Leaving Social Media Toolkit today

🌈 Want support building a successful, sustainable business without relying on social media? Join The Interweb — our affordable, annual membership for creatives, artists & business owners, who want to share their work & make money without social media. ✨

Mentioned in the episode—


✿ What if you could support your clients without over-extending or burning out? Join Trauma Informed Foundations with Jess Jackson, October 9-30. (sponsored)

Creators and Guests

Amelia Hruby
Amelia Hruby
Founder of Softer Sounds podcast studio & host of Off the Grid: Leaving Social Media Without Losing All Your Clients