🎶 Let's Go Off The Grid [BONUS]

🎶 Let's Go Off The Grid [BONUS]

[0:00] Hello friends, welcome or welcome back to Off The Grid. Amelia here, your intrepid host and fellow adventurer in this journey of doing business without social media.
And I am coming to you off schedule on a Monday of all days to share something extremely exciting that you already heard if you didn't skip past the intro.
And that extremely exciting news is that off the grid has a new theme song. Isn't it amazing? So good. It's so catchy. I love it.
And I want to make sure you know that this audio magic was written, performed and recorded by Melissa Kaitlyn Carter. She is a fantastic musician and one of our amazing audio editors at softer sounds. I truly cannot rave about her enough. You should definitely head to the show notes and hit her up for your own theme song. You might have heard me say two weeks ago in our episode about human design that everyone deserves a theme song. So go get yours. Reach, out to Melissa. She can make some audio magic for you as well. And you can have a really cool song like us. Isn't it so great? I just want to like listen again right now. But before I do that, I have another exciting announcement to share in this bonus episode, this Monday, fun day episode. I don't think Monday is fun day, but here we go anyway, friends.

[1:28] That second exciting announcement is that the refresh is coming back in August and registration is now open. So if you're new around here, the refresh is my workshop series for freelancers, influencers, and small business owners who want to refresh their relationship with social media and chart a new algorithm-free path forward.
This year, it's happening on August 22nd, 23rd, and 24th, when we'll gather for three live workshops and a corresponding community.
In those workshops, we will clear the fear on day one, which is a workshop all about releasing our anxiety and changing our mindset about marketing.
We're gonna have a great guest teacher, my dear friend and collaborator, Grace Allardyce, and it's just a super special time.
On day two, we will Weave the Web, which is a workshop where we identify your core offers, channels, and collaborators that will help you ensure your business succeeds off social media or you're able to launch a business without social media.
So I'll teach you my web framework for core offers, core channels, and core community.
And then on day three, we will Make the Map, which is a workshop all about connecting your marketing, your messaging, and your offerings or products such that everything starts to flow with ease, and reciprocity and abundance in your unique business ecosystem.

[2:57] This workshop series was a huge hit last year. We had an amazing time and I will be refreshing the content, expanding the activities, deepening the community portion because that was like everybody's favorite part.
And I just can't wait.
No matter how you're feeling about your business brand right now, the refresh will help you go from burned out on social media marketing or marketing in general, to excited and empowered to do business differently.
And it is only $99 most of the time. But since you are listening to this episode, I'm assuming that you're amazing. You're awesome. You're a super fan. And as a result, because I love you, you can take 30% off your ticket to the refresh if you register this week.

[3:44] All you have to do is click the link in the show notes or use the code, get the worm, get it like early bird gets the worm. Anyway, because you're a super special early bird, you can use the code get the worm to take 30% off your refresh registration until the end of the day on June 30th. I'm thinking of the refresh as part summer sabbatical, part fall planning. I'm going to tell you a lot more about that fall planning part in Wednesday's episode, but go ahead and get a ticket, save that money, put it on your calendar so that you've set aside a time to dream, vision, connect, plan, and refresh your relationship to your business before fall.
You get it on the calendar now, and you don't gotta worry about it for the rest of the summer, my friends.
So head to the show notes.
There's a link to the sales page where you can learn tons more about everything that the refresh entails.
You can also, if you're ready to purchase, go straight to CART, use that code, Get The Worm, take 30% off your ticket as long as you register before end of day on the 30th.
And I truly cannot wait to see you in August.

[4:58] Okay, we're gonna play that theme song one more time around here.
You know we wanna hear it again. Thanks again to Melissa Kaitlyn Carter for crafting it.
I'm in love, I hope you're in love too. I'll be back in your earbuds on Wednesday and until then I will see you beautiful business besties off the grid.

Creators and Guests

Amelia Hruby
Amelia Hruby
Founder of Softer Sounds podcast studio & host of Off the Grid: Leaving Social Media Without Losing All Your Clients