🥨 OMG Off the Grid is Back!

🥨 OMG Off the Grid is Back!

Welcome welcome welcome back to Off the Grid! Amelia, here. I’m popping into your pod feed today to let you know that we’re kicking off season four of the show next week. 🎉

Starting September 4th, I’ll be sharing a new interview every Wednesday through the end of November, featuring amazing guests like: N. Chloé Nwangwu, Liz Migliorelli of Sister Spinster, Megan Leatherman, Podge Thomas, Kate Smalley, Michelle Pellizzon, Jenny Blake, Amy Kuretsky, and more!

In this preview episode, I tell you more about what’s to come in season four, including two themes we’ll be exploring —
🎢 Why leaving social media is going mainstream... and how to avoid the grifters glomming onto that
🍁 How online business is changing in hard times... and ways to feel less alone in this moment

And stick around to the end to learn about some big updates for the Interweb, our annual membership that’s getting a glow-up before we close the doors to new members on September 15th. Plus! The next ten folks who join using the code LUCKYTEN can get their first year at our founding member rate of only $99.

Creators and Guests

Amelia Hruby
Amelia Hruby
Founder of Softer Sounds podcast studio & host of Off the Grid: Leaving Social Media Without Losing All Your Clients